Tag Archives: Gypsy

A Fried Chicken Leg?? Can’t Be !!

24 May

One morning last fall, in a mad rush to get my daughter to school on time, I left my coveted sidekick – la cell phone` at home.   I don’t know about ya’ll but I NEED my cell.  So like a bat-out-of-hell, I rushed back home before heading into the office.

As I walked towards my house I noticed a really peculiar object lodged between the drain gutter and the house. I wasn’t quite sure what it was. I figured it was probably vegetation over growth; seeing as though my husband never seems to clean out the gutters the way I’d like them done.

Anyway, I stopped to take a closer look.

What the Hell Is This?
This Can NOT Be A Fried Chicken Leg!

Yep that’s it……a fried chicken leg (Don’t believe me? Take another look.  Go ahead see for yourself).

But how did it get there?  It can’t be garbage scraps.  I don’t fry foods very often, don’t care for chicken legs and lastly, it has a breading that is sure to be loaded with gluten.  My family had better not be trying to pull a prank on me!!

After getting my cell phone, I looked at the chicken leg again.  Shaking my head in disbelief, I called my hubby. Of course, he didn’t believe me until I sent him the pictures.  It must be our new ‘not’ so friendly neighbors.  What if they were gypsies placing some sort of weird curse on our home because they don’t like our dogs? I gotta be realistic, there are anti-dog people in this world.

I shared my theory with hubby. He laughed and tried to reassure me it was probably a squirrel digging in the garbage to harvest before the winter.  A squirrel?  No way. Besides do squirrels even harvest?

Infamous ‘Chicken Leg Hoarder’ Squirrel

I pondered this notion for a moment.  Hubby might be right, this could be a possibility. We always seem to have an abundance of squirrels living in our tree in the backyard.

Although, I tend to like the gypsy story better.