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Chicken Fever

7 Jun

The older I get the more I appreciate nature, farming, gardening and sustainable foods.   My hubby and I have participated in community gardens for many years.  We enjoy growing and harvesting fresh vegetables.

This year we are stepping up our effort.  A new ordinance was passed a few weeks ago that allows residents in the city to raise hens.  There is a lot of work to get the permit approved. I will need written permission from my neighbors (I’m not thrilled about this, after all its MY property) and build a coop that meets specific code standards.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and networking with the local group Cream City Hens.  I still have a lot to learn but I’m SO excited. Building the coop and raising the baby chicks is next on the agenda.

Earlier this week, I called a few friends to share my good news.  Unfortunately, they were not at all excited.  In fact, one friend even suggested that I leave animals and farming to people that actually live on farms; hens are not for city dwellers.

Nevertheless, I’m moving forward with raising hens; my chicken fever is here to stay.

Tell me what you think about urban farming and raising hens?

Wordless Wednesday

25 May

The weather in Wisconsin is AWFUL!!  This is how I’m feeling today – a little melancholy.  With 46 degree weather and no sun – just rain, rain, and more rain – can you blame me?

Wordless Wednesday

18 May

What Happen to Spring in Wisconsin?