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Chicken Fever

7 Jun

The older I get the more I appreciate nature, farming, gardening and sustainable foods.   My hubby and I have participated in community gardens for many years.  We enjoy growing and harvesting fresh vegetables.

This year we are stepping up our effort.  A new ordinance was passed a few weeks ago that allows residents in the city to raise hens.  There is a lot of work to get the permit approved. I will need written permission from my neighbors (I’m not thrilled about this, after all its MY property) and build a coop that meets specific code standards.

I’ve been doing a lot of research and networking with the local group Cream City Hens.  I still have a lot to learn but I’m SO excited. Building the coop and raising the baby chicks is next on the agenda.

Earlier this week, I called a few friends to share my good news.  Unfortunately, they were not at all excited.  In fact, one friend even suggested that I leave animals and farming to people that actually live on farms; hens are not for city dwellers.

Nevertheless, I’m moving forward with raising hens; my chicken fever is here to stay.

Tell me what you think about urban farming and raising hens?

Kitchen Makeover – Part II

6 Jun

I’m back – Sorry it’s taken so long to post. No I didn’t get buried in the rubble but it certainly felt like it, with the Memorial Day Holiday and the kitchen makeover I was completely wiped out.

The kitchen makeover is coming along pretty good.  As I predicted, I embarked on major a project that would take more than four days.

We are almost there, the cabinet doors are being affixed as I write this post and we should have the new light fixtures by the end of the week.

I have some before and after pictures, I will post them very soon.



A Precious Moment

19 May

It was on this day 19 years ago that I made the commitment to love, honor and treasure my husband forever.

Like all things in life, time really zooms by fast. However, today is important and I want to savor the moment; take time to celebrate, appreciate and acknowledge what my marriage has meant to me.

I’ve been writing poetry lately.  Here’s one I’ve been working on for awhile

I was young, perhaps naïve for 18,

our souls were connected

love says everything

explains everything.


Through the years, our lives evolved,

marriage vows tested 

vulnerabilities exposed.


Strength and courage

conquered conflict and challenge

devotion helped

realize hope was not gone.


Often it goes unspoken 

how do I explain?


Our love is sweet and tender

a window to my soul

lyrics to my heart-song.


Real love happens

evolves and grows

becomes a passionate destiny

magical and real.


Happy Anniversary

Privacy, Discretion or Someplace in the Middle

25 Apr

I’m so excited I can hardly keep myself together; I’m unraveling with stimulation.

I’m officially a member of the blogosphere.

During the early stages of developing this blog, I spent numerous hours on the layout and design but I didn’t give much thought to the content aspect.  Obviously from the title, I wanted the blog to be personal, even intimate at times. All about me. But the best things about me are my family. 

Despite the thrill to reveal myself to the world I have to be thoughtful about my family and their privacy.

I have one fantastical hubby and two wonderful babies ages 15 and 19 (seriously, regardless of what you’ve heard from others, I have the best kids in the world – God has definitely blessed me).  It would be difficult not to mention them in posts or show photos. However, it is important to keep my family as private as possible. I also don’t want to be called out for sharing too much like some of the more popular bloggers.

So, out of respect for them, I have made an oath. I promise not to reveal their names or likeness without their verbal blessing. In this blog I will use anonymous terms like hubby, son, daughter, mother, etc. to protect their identity.  I also will not disclose their employers, schools or any other obvious identifiers.  It might be a bit much, but I want to be sensitive to their thoughts and feelings around the issue of privacy.

As for my dogs…..well, I’m sure they won’t mind being in the spotlight once in a while.